Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Spot is my fish and I love him

And now...time for something completely random...

Welcome to 2012 folks. Today, I'm going to talk about my pet goldfish. His name is Spot.  He's so cute.  I actually bought Spot with another fish about 4 months ago. The other fish has since passed into the great beyond...and Spot survived the 30 day mark and so was entitled to a name.  This is my first fancy goldfish that I have ever bought. All of my previous goldfish were cheap feeder comet tails (10 cents each). Now don't get me wrong; comet tails are awesome goldfish. I had a few that lived for years (until I released them into a lake, but they could still be alive). But I always wanted a fish with a bit more "fancy" and thus I bought Spot. Spot cost about $2.50 and that's a lot for a goldfish.

Spot did not always look as he does now. He only had a little bit of black in him in the beginning. But thanks to the miracle of fancy goldfish food, his color has severely changed. If you look at the picture below, the fish that is on the left of the picture is what Spot used to look like. Okay, the picture sucks...and what you can't see is that Spot had a very little black in his coloring.

Anyway, he's much prettier now. His buddy died...and that happens to goldfish and I have since moved on with my life.

Goldfish are great starter freshwater fish.  They're pretty to look at and they are tough fish. I change the water in Spot's tank about every 3 weeks, but I could let the water turn black and he'd still be alive.  Come on folks, they eat their own poop...they have to be tough. Goldfish are also part of the carp family. Carp are poop eaters. Don't eat carp unless you want to eat poop fish.

If I ever write more blogs about Spot, I'll probably write about what he's thinking about at the exact moment I take a picture of him.  For example, if you're looking at the picture at the very top of this blog, Spot is thinking "oh thank goodness...she finally changed the water in my tank. I was breathing in my own piss. You hear me crazy girl...I was breathing in my PISS. What kind of owner are you? $@*&% you!".  Yeah, my fish has got some issues.