Monday, February 27, 2012

The growing allure of escapism

      My current line of employment is a bit oppressive; I often leave the office very tightly wound.  I have many ways of TEMPORARILY escaping the insanity of my job. Reading is my favorite form of escapism. If I don't have a book on my 1hr+ commute to and from work, I often feel like I'm going through drug withdrawal.

Note: I have NEVER done illegal drugs.  They look kinda scary and Lord knows I don't need to spend anymore money than I'm already spending on my jewelry addiction...but I digress.

Note 2.0: I'm always open for book suggestions...reading is an addiction that I can highly encourage. I had to stop buying books so I get my book fix from the New York Public Library. Support your local library!

      My latest form of escapism involves online gaming.  I've always loved video games. For all those gaming nerds out there, here's a treat: I still have my original NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)and it still works. Yes, bask in my gaming coolness. I've always owned home gaming systems, but my first PC gaming experience happened while in college.  A fellow ROTC friend of mine got me hooked on a PC game called Diablo. This was back in 1998.

      Fast Forward to 2010. I went to visit a friend back in Jacksonville, Fl and she and her husband showed me the wonderful world of WOW (World of Warcraft). The funny thing is that WOW is made by the same people who made Diablo...a company called Blizzard. Naturally, I had to play as well.

       This is what my online 'toon looks like. I'm a level 85 hunter Night Elf. Yeah, I know you're all impressed.

      As a hunter, I have pets that will help me hunt. The flying snake with wings is one of my pets that I named Twink (it's a Rainbow Brite reference).  Now you're super impressed, right?

      The best of part of WOW is the fact that you can buy flying mounts. This picture above shows me with one of my griffins.  Man, I can fell you folks out there drooling at your computers. I can literally feel the envy. No, I'm not drinking while I'm writing this're crazy to think that.

      The goal of WOW is to complete quests and to advance in levels. The highest level you can get to currently is level 85. After 1 year, I finally got my first 'toon to the highest level possible.  You'd think I'd have a hard time still finding reasons to keep playing...not so. Blizzard have worked into the game ways that keep making you want to play (such as getting better and better armor). That's their ultimate goal folks...if I keep playing, then they keep getting my money.  I pay $60 for a 6-month subscription. If I was smart, I'd invent a video game company.

      Overall, I'm a lucky person. I have a job at a time many people do not. While I want to escape, I do sometimes enjoy what I do at work and being social with other people.  When it comes to escapism, I'm not as addicted to this game as other people. I'm sure you've all heard of folks in China who have played this game non-stop for about one week and have died due to deep vein thrombosis. That's a really a scary scenario. See, I live in the greatest country in the world and have to escape occasionally. What does it say about China if people there have to escape to such an extreme level that they die while doing so?