Thursday, August 25, 2011

Whole Lotta Shacking Going On and then comes a Hurricane

Yes friends...the east coast was hit by an earthquake on Tuesday.  While I was sitting at my desk, in my paltry office, inside my cage...I mean cubical, the entire office building started to shake. And even though I've experienced earthquakes in Japan (so I know how they feel), my first thought wasn't 'wow, New York City is having an earthquake', it was 'omg, it was a bomb'. Given that the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is coming up, you can understand that we New Yorkers are a bit jumpy.

And now the entire eastern seaboard of the US is being threatened by Hurricane Irene. It's forecasted to come up the coast, like it was following 1-95 North. Crap!!!! This seriously sucks! Well, expect a blog this weekend about how I'm surviving the storm. With pics and video!

What I "love" about natural disasters is that they all become signs of the apocalypse.  The US had two earthquakes in the same day and that means that Judgement Day is just around the corner...I think not. Guess what folks? The earth has quakes all the time. It does not mean God is going to rapture us. If it did, He's way overdue for some rapture stuff.  I made toast the other day and it looked liked the image of St.Thomas Aquinas was burned into it....or I was looking at a piece of toast and I didn't have my glasses on. Either option resulted in me eating the toast.

When you keep looking for signs of the end of the world, I think you miss out that life is meant to be lived. And how you live your life will dictate where you go when the end of the world really does arrive. So go out be good to your fellow man and don't bother worrying about that killer comet that's going to crash into the earth 2 weeks from now and we don't have a Bruce Willis to go up into an experimental next generation space shuttle to save us.

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