Thursday, September 1, 2011

When the words stop flowing...

In the morning, while I ride the Staten Island Ferry to the island of Manhattan, I think of 10,000 things that I can write about in this blog:

- Oh, that person is overly obese and is eating a donut so I'll write about how our fast and furious society is killing us with easy to eat food
- The bus driver was a real jerk today so I'll write about how the MTA is breeding lazy workers who don't care about people getting to work on time
- Man, I'm absolutely exhausted and need to get more sleep so I'll write about how we all need more sleep
- I'll just write complete nonsense cause that's what I feel like doing
- Bubblegum

Of course when I get to work, I don't have time to write in my blog (nor should I write a blog while at work but that's an entirely different story). 8 hours later and I start the commute home. When I finally do get home, I remember all those ideas but the emotion behind them has faded. My inspiration has disappeared. It's very frustrating. Being exhausted didn't help either. But today I had to write, even if it was about how I didn't feel like writing. I felt like I needed to write something (anything) down just to clear up the clutter in my brain. Just yawned now...I really do need some rest.

To make a long story short, I'm basically making myself addicted to writing things down. That's a good thing - it's forcing my brain to focus my thoughts from a bunch of ideas into words. It's very hard to do it at this very moment, but I think it's getting easier.

I see that I have a few followers (yay) and I thank you. I'll try to make these entries more exciting and your bribes will be arriving in the mail :).

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