Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oh, that's right...I have a blog to write

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry to have neglected you, but I really didn't feel like writing in you for awhile. Part of it was sheer laziness...and I apologize for that. I'm still getting used to the fact that this was what I was meant to do...too many years of forcing myself do do jobs I wasn't meant to do have killed much of my motivation. Another reason is that I come home EXHAUSTED. Sometimes it's a physical exhaustion, but it's been an emotional one more often than not. When I get home, I really just feel like hiding away from the world. Everyone is too loud and too rude and too rubs on my raw nerves.

But today I took a mental health day and got some things done so I feel mentally better. And that's why I've come back to you Blog...I haven't forgotten about you...hope you didn't forget about me. You're my last hope for sanity. Well, maybe not my last hope, but you're good for me so I have to pay a bit more attention to you. You'll be happy to hear that I'm planning to take a writing soon as I can get my head wrapped around how to take an online class. Yes, our old friend Fear was slowing things down, but I think he's pretty much wandered off. Just wish these classes didn't cost so much, but I can afford two of them for now.

Well, time for bed. But you'll see me again soon. I recently visited the USS INTREPID (again) and the new 9/11 Memorial so I'll have to write about that and post pictures. Plus Blog, why the heck did Blogger change it's format? It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to get this new blog started! Oh goodness, I hope I can find the spellcheck button.

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