Thursday, December 6, 2012

Another year older....and a Hello Kitty Chia Pet

Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

Hey folks, Friday is my birthday. Now, if you are a follower of my blog (all 4 of you), then you should know of my desire to be some kind of professional writer.  I haven't felt the desire to write for the last few months again until now; crazy inspiration just hit me after a few pre-birthday tequila shots.

My kind and considerate boyfriend happen to buy me a Chia Pet for one of my many birthday presents.  Ever since the '80's, I've always wanted a Chia Pet. Chi-Chi-Chi-CHIA!!!

Chia Ram, Chia Bull, Chia Kitty, Chia Dog, Chia Head, Chia Tree, Chia Obama....

Don't wanted one too (in addition to a Pet Rock), but I never had the cojones to buy one for myself. Thankfully, that's what having a boyfriend is for.  He went out on his own to buy one for me.  Luckily, Chia Hello Kitty was at the store ready for purchasing (there was also a Chia Clown available, but there was no WAY in hell that was happening).
As I started to assemble the magical chia ingredients, I decided I should use this as a motivating reason (or excuse) to do some kind of daily blog. Who doesn't want to read my daily ramblings about slow growing chis seeds? I know you're all excited...I can feel it.
Look, throw a dog a bone. I need to jump back into the writing thing. Hell, I might even apply to a MFA program about writing if I managed to write 30 pages of original fiction in 2 months. Wish me luck with that.
Anyway, enough with the pity party. Now let's talk chia. When you water the seeds, you are rehydrating a gelatinous membrane that surrounds them. This membrane is what sticks to the groves on Hello Kitty's head. The goal was to get the seeds into the grooves without having them clump together (evidently, crowding the chia seeds is a bad thing).
This also solves a personal mystery of mine from when I lived in Japan. For all those who ate at the Thai food restaurant back in Yokosuka, the dessert at the end was flavored chia seeds. Take a look!
Dudes, chia seeds taste awesome and are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Want to know more? Get your lazy ass to the library or go on wikipedia and look it up (yeah, I guess I could put a hyper link in this blog so you could directly go to another web page and get more information; I will do so when I learn how).
My goal is to post a new pic everyday to show how the chia is growing. I have to cover Hello Kitty's head in a bag for the next 3 to 4 days in order to keep the seeds moist until they sprout. I'm assuming the next few blog entries will be kinda boring. WE SHALL SEE.
In closing, I want to leave you with a bit a wisdom that I've learned over the years: Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself.  Self-humiliation can be a source of happiness for others and will open your mind to an infinite amount of possibilities. Perhaps one possibility will be that you will NEVER do that humiliating event every again.  Or maybe you'll be hit with inspiration and write the great novel you've been twirling around in your head for the last 20 years. Or maybe whatever will happen and whoopty fricken doo will occur. Just be brave and go out there and let the cards fall where they may. If you need to have a few shots of tequila first, don't worry...I won't judge you.

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